On Saturday 30th of July we were all invited to the London Cranes Family fun day. Personally, I was extremely excited to attend this event however, I was quite anxious to see what all the uncles prepared for us.
Upon arrival, we were welcomed by many smiling faces the area was strategically laid out, and there were 4 large canopies which shade us from the blazing hot sun and kept our drinks cool.
There was a wide range of games such as netball, badminton, volleyball, and board games. Turning the place into a fantastic theme park, with a wide range of tasty snacks and delicious deserts sheltered by the canopy. At the beginning of the day, we played some netball and a bit of badminton.
Then near lunchtime, there were sports day events such as: the egg and spoon race, bean bag race sack race and running races. I enjoyed running against all my friends and watching people’s races. My favourite event was the sack race because firstly I was very good at it and secondly because I enjoyed looking very silly in the sack. After all the kids’ races all the uncles had a go at the races, we enjoyed watching the uncles do the sack race because they could hardly fit in the sacks. One of my highlights of the events was watching the uncles hop their way to the finish line.

Sickle cell aware
Finally, it was lunchtime everyone got some food and a drink. As we ate, we had Nabila, the founder of “Weren’t Born Rich” come and talk to us about sickle cells and what it does.
Shafic introducing Nabila
Nabila speaking to us.
After we ate, we went back to playing and mostly we played board games because we were tired.
After all the running and play we had the opportunity to speak about our-self and our career aspirations. Uncle Dr Ed K encourages everyone to talk about their dreams.
My friends and I enjoyed this day and we meet a lot of new people. I hope London Cranes does this again.
(Written & published by Ariella, age 10)